Fujian Oolong Tea

Fujian Oolong Tea

Product Details

Our Fujian Oolong Tea is a Ti Kuan Yin style Oolong, with tightly curled leaves that unfurl as they steep, but it has been oxidized longer to give a darker, richer cup with a truly wonderful aroma. Fujian Oolong is one of the best values we have ever found, so don't be fooled by the low price. The flavor is similar to a toasty, aromatic Wu Yi Oolong, but at a significantly lower price.

Steep one heaping teaspoon for each cup in nearly boiling (190 degree) water for 3 minutes. The water should be hotter than used for most Oolongs to bring out the fullest flavor, but should not be boiling. When prepared properly, Fujian Oolong will have a full flavor with virtually no astringency. Good for multiple infusions.

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Fujian Oolong Tea


Order any size package of tea in 1 ounce increments. Select the number of ounces you want and click "Add To Cart".
To order multiple bags of the same tea, repeat for as many bags as needed. Each bag will appear as a separate item in your cart. Volume pricing is based on the size of each bag.
Ounces Per Bag: Price Per Ounce:
1 – 3 $4.00
4 – 7 $3.80 (5% Off)
8 – 15 $3.60 (10% Off)
16 – 31 $3.32 (17% Off)
32 or more $3.00 (25% Off)
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