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If you're new to tea, you may find it hard to know what to ask for if you don't know the lingo. Here are the basics.
The Brahmaputra Valley in the Assam region of India is the largest producer of black teas. Teas from this area are known for their rich, malty taste. Good ones are strong yet smooth, and brew to a rich copper color. Often used for Irish Breakfast blends, they hold up well to the addition of milk and sugar, but the higher quality ones should always be taken plain to appreciate their rich flavor. Please see our Assam Teas Section.Black Tea
Black teas are produced by a process that includes oxidation, sometimes also called fermentation. Black teas are first withered by allowing the moisture in the leaves to evaporate somewhat so that the leaves become pliable. This process takes 12-18 hours. The leaves are then rolled to bruise and damage them, allowing enzymes in the leaf to come to the surface. Then the leaves are spread out, exposed to the air, in humid rooms. Oxygen reacts with the enzymes on the surface of the leaves and causes them to turn black, thus changing the color and taste of the brewed tea. To stop the oxidation process at the right time, the leaves are finally fired in ovens, destroying the enzymes responsible for oxidation. Please see our Unflavored Black Teas and Flavored Black Teas sections.Camellia Sinensis
The tea plant. Properly speaking, tea is the beverage brewed from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Its wide variety of incarnations, such as green, black, oolong, and white teas, are created by different processing methods, but all derive ultimately from the same plant. The flavor of tea depends not only upon how the tea was processed, but also in what part of the world the plant grew, the time of year the leaves were harvested, what the weather was like that season, the soil conditions, altitude etc.
This Indian word for "tea" has come to refer to black tea brewed with traditional Indian spices and lots of milk and sugar. The flavor of chai will vary from brand to brand. Some are quite hot due to a lot of pepper; others tend sweeter with more cinnamon and cloves, like our Masala Chai. You can get pre-blended liquid chai, chai mix, or loose tea with chai seasonings to which you add your own milk and sugar. This is one of those words no one knows how to pronounce: the "ch" is pronounced, just like in "chair," and it rhymes with "I." Please see our Chai Tea category to see our Chai selection.Darjeeling
Due to their unique characteristics and delicate aroma, Darjeeling teas, from the mountainous Darjeeling region of India, are often called the "Champagne of Tea." Unlike teas grown in lower altitudes, they have only four harvest periods: first flush (spring); "in between" (late spring); second flush (summer); and autumnal. Each crop produces a different tasting tea, with the earlier crops tending light and flowery and later crops becoming progressively fuller bodied and fruity. Be careful not to over-steep Darjeelings—they are quite sensitive! Please see our Darjeeling category to see our Darjeeling selection.Earthenware
All pottery that is not vitrified (changed into a glassy substance by heat).English, Irish, and Scottish Breakfast
Traditional strong blends of different teas, made to go with fairly rich breakfasts. Each blender will make these tea blends a bit differently, so you should taste several before you decide whether or not you like them. Usually blended to drink with milk and sugar. Irish and Scottish Breakfast blends tend to be a bit stronger and maltier, due to a higher quantity of Assam teas. English Breakfast is often a blend of Keemun.Gaiwan (or guywan)
A Chinese teacup with a saucer and lid, often made of thin porcelain. Traditionally, you brew the tea right in the cup, then use the lid to hold back the leaves while pouring the tea into small drinking cups. Either a Gaiwan or small teapot is used for Gongfu tea ceremonies.
Green tea
Green teas are produced by a process that does not include oxidation, sometimes also referred to as fermentation (in contrast, black teas are oxidized, or exposed to air). Some green teas are steamed initially to kill the leaf (sencha, gyokuro). Most are first withered by simply letting some of the leaves' moisture evaporate, making the leaf pliable. Then the leaves are usually fired in a hot wok to destroy enzymes in the leaf, which prevents the oxidation process from beginning. During firing, the leaves can be shaped in the wok into the desired form, such as the flattened leaves of Dragon Well or the small pellets of gunpowder tea. Some teas are then roasted (hojicha) to produce a toasty flavor. Our green teas are in the following two categories: Flavored and Scented Green Teas, and Unflavored Green Teas.Herbal tea
Technically, this is not tea. This term refers to beverages made from plants other than Camellia sinensis (the tea plant). Usually, they are caffeine free. Examples include chamomile, rooibos, peppermint, and hibiscus. Often, herbals are are blends of many different plants, fruits, and flavorings. These are also referred to as "tisanes." They are particularly nice choices for children, for evening consumption, and for anyone who wants to completely avoid caffeine. Please see the Herbals, and Rooibos categories.Infuser
Often confused with a strainer, this is a ball or basket that you put your tea leaves in while they brew. The point is easy removal of the leaves once you're done brewing your tea. You don't want your brewed tea leaves in the water too long because they will continue to brew and may turn your tea bitter. You can use an infuser in a teapot or in a cup or mug. Simply put the leaves inside, place it in your pot or cup, pour hot water over, and let brew. When ready, lift out the infuser with the leaves and you're left with clear tea. In general, the larger the infuser and the smaller the holes, the better your results. Tip: Make sure your infuser will fit into your pot. Measure the opening of your teapot and compare to the diameter of the infuser. Please see our Infusers and Strainers category for different kinds of infusers.Keemun
From the Anhui Province in China, Keemuns are often called the Burgundy of teas for their full body, natural sweetness, and superb aromatics. Keemuns are often considered the quintessential English Breakfast tea, and most English Breakfast blends are exclusively Keemun. Holds up well to milk and sugar, although the finest ones are often taken plain. Please see our Keemun Tea category.